A family of three brothers, the eldest brother (played by Huang Zihua)'s unforgettable ex girlfriend Monica (played by Teresa Teng) unexpectedly becomes the current girlfriend of the second brother (played by Zhang Jicong). Driven by self-esteem, the older brother agrees to the pursuit of his newly met Meow Meow (played by Lin Mingzhen). Third Brother (played by Chen Zhanwen) and Girlfriend Josephi
A family of three brothers, the eldest brother (played by Huang Zihua)'s unforgettable ex girlfriend Monica (played by Teresa Teng) unexpectedly becomes the current girlfriend of the second brother (played by Zhang Jicong). Driven by self-esteem, the older brother agrees to the pursuit of his newly met Meow Meow (played by Lin Mingzhen). Third Brother (played by Chen Zhanwen) and Girlfriend Josephi