The drama unfolds in a unit format, telling the story of female forensic expert "JD Song Anyan" (played by Cai Zhuoyan)'s encounter at the "Cause of Death Decoding Research Institute" as a clue, assisting the police in solving eerie cases while attempting to uncover the truth behind her father's old case. She also collaborates with the mysterious woman Lin Xiaomei (played by Zhong Xintong) and the passionate detective Liu Zhiming (played by Zhang Xiao)
The drama unfolds in a unit format, telling the story of female forensic expert "JD Song Anyan" (played by Cai Zhuoyan)'s encounter at the "Cause of Death Decoding Research Institute" as a clue, assisting the police in solving eerie cases while attempting to uncover the truth behind her father's old case. She also collaborates with the mysterious woman Lin Xiaomei (played by Zhong Xintong) and the passionate detective Liu Zhiming (played by Zhang Xiao)