At the TX special training base, special police officer Fang Han (played by Qin Junjie) is deeply saddened to learn that his girlfriend Luo Fei has sacrificed herself in an undercover mission. Under the persuasion of the Director of the Anti Drug Administration, Han Chudong (played by Li Kunlin), he decided to take over the unfinished task of Luo Fei and go deep into the southern city of Canglan to obtain the help of the largest local drug dealer, Gu Tao (played by Xue Haowen)
At the TX special training base, special police officer Fang Han (played by Qin Junjie) is deeply saddened to learn that his girlfriend Luo Fei has sacrificed herself in an undercover mission. Under the persuasion of the Director of the Anti Drug Administration, Han Chudong (played by Li Kunlin), he decided to take over the unfinished task of Luo Fei and go deep into the southern city of Canglan to obtain the help of the largest local drug dealer, Gu Tao (played by Xue Haowen)