"The Flame of King Kong" is set against the backdrop of the Anti Japanese War's May Day Anti Sweeping Campaign in the central Hebei Plain in 1941. At that time, the War of Resistance Against Japan had entered a stage of strategic stalemate. In the first two years of the Anti Japanese War, the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army, under the leadership of He Long and Guan Xiangying, opened up a revolutionary base area behind the enemy lines in central Hebei and achieved great results. however
"The Flame of King Kong" is set against the backdrop of the Anti Japanese War's May Day Anti Sweeping Campaign in the central Hebei Plain in 1941. At that time, the War of Resistance Against Japan had entered a stage of strategic stalemate. In the first two years of the Anti Japanese War, the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army, under the leadership of He Long and Guan Xiangying, opened up a revolutionary base area behind the enemy lines in central Hebei and achieved great results. however