It mainly tells the story of Zhu Qunqun (played by Wen Song), the son of a declining hotel tycoon, who fled to Fengtian City with his servant Shen Moren (played by Jia Bing). In an abandoned theater, they prepared to revive their ancestral business and coincidentally met Ma Hulu (played by Wang Zhixuan), Yang Sirui (played by Ma Muxuan), Gu Debai (played by Gu Baoming), Da Xi (played by Cheng Hong), and Liu Sanyuan(
It mainly tells the story of Zhu Qunqun (played by Wen Song), the son of a declining hotel tycoon, who fled to Fengtian City with his servant Shen Moren (played by Jia Bing). In an abandoned theater, they prepared to revive their ancestral business and coincidentally met Ma Hulu (played by Wang Zhixuan), Yang Sirui (played by Ma Muxuan), Gu Debai (played by Gu Baoming), Da Xi (played by Cheng Hong), and Liu Sanyuan(