The story takes place during the Ming Dynasty. Ye Changlu (played by Huang Debin) is a court executioner who feels guilty for being ordered to behead his benefactor, Lord Lv. By chance, Ye Changlu met Lord Lv's pregnant concubine, Ruan Suxin (played by Yao Ziling), and rescued her, hiding her in the capital's first stable woman, Huaruihong (played by Shao Meiqi)
The story takes place during the Ming Dynasty. Ye Changlu (played by Huang Debin) is a court executioner who feels guilty for being ordered to behead his benefactor, Lord Lv. By chance, Ye Changlu met Lord Lv's pregnant concubine, Ruan Suxin (played by Yao Ziling), and rescued her, hiding her in the capital's first stable woman, Huaruihong (played by Shao Meiqi)