High school girl Nino Okamura (played by Fan Feng Wanlijiang), although eager to become an outgoing and optimistic girl, has always been unable to interact smoothly and freely with people in real life. Except for her parents, it seems that only the parrot (voiced by Takahashi Shigeru) standing on her shoulder pretending to be a specimen and being referred to as the "teacher" is the only one who speaks
High school girl Nino Okamura (played by Fan Feng Wanlijiang), although eager to become an outgoing and optimistic girl, has always been unable to interact smoothly and freely with people in real life. Except for her parents, it seems that only the parrot (voiced by Takahashi Shigeru) standing on her shoulder pretending to be a specimen and being referred to as the "teacher" is the only one who speaks