Happy Ghost (Huang Baiming) reincarnated and transformed into a female high school teacher. In his class, several mischievous girls who love to tease others, Dai Zhuoyi (Yuan Jieying), May (Luo Meiwei), and Yao Qiong (Chen Jialing), formed a "despicable society" that takes pleasure in pranking people. Happy Ghost is their favorite object of humor.
Happy Ghost (Huang Baiming) reincarnated and transformed into a female high school teacher. In his class, several mischievous girls who love to tease others, Dai Zhuoyi (Yuan Jieying), May (Luo Meiwei), and Yao Qiong (Chen Jialing), formed a "despicable society" that takes pleasure in pranking people. Happy Ghost is their favorite object of humor.