The Warring States period in Japan came to an end with the unification of the Tokugawa family. The ninja group, which played a huge role in the chaotic times of the Warring States period, was sealed off by the shogunate due to its potential threat. At that time, the Nagano Domain suffered from severe drought for years, with starving people everywhere, and was in a period of poverty and decline. In the absence of any previous contact, Nagano
The Warring States period in Japan came to an end with the unification of the Tokugawa family. The ninja group, which played a huge role in the chaotic times of the Warring States period, was sealed off by the shogunate due to its potential threat. At that time, the Nagano Domain suffered from severe drought for years, with starving people everywhere, and was in a period of poverty and decline. In the absence of any previous contact, Nagano