In the early stages of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Liu Tianwei (played by Liu Dehua), the second son of the Liu family, a prominent military and political family in Wuhan, served as a flying lieutenant in the air force department. During a mission, he encountered a fierce Japanese army. Although he successfully escaped, he was injured and made an emergency landing in a small mountain village. He was rescued by the village girl Xiaohe (played by Wu Qianlian). In small
In the early stages of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Liu Tianwei (played by Liu Dehua), the second son of the Liu family, a prominent military and political family in Wuhan, served as a flying lieutenant in the air force department. During a mission, he encountered a fierce Japanese army. Although he successfully escaped, he was injured and made an emergency landing in a small mountain village. He was rescued by the village girl Xiaohe (played by Wu Qianlian). In small