The Space-Time Detective Ayou: Scientific Investigation in Great Edo
Japanese Drama
Japanese Drama
Motoo Nehara, Kenshi Kuwashima, Eiji Kameyama
Update 8 Episode已完结
Under the combination of the Edo period and scientific search, a new world of time traveling reasoning emerged: women living ordinary lives in modern times freely shuttle between modern and Edo, while using science and technology to challenge the thorny cases of the Edo period. Is Youjia able to overcome obstacles and ultimately achieve the goal of transforming into "Ayou"
Under the combination of the Edo period and scientific search, a new world of time traveling reasoning emerged: women living ordinary lives in modern times freely shuttle between modern and Edo, while using science and technology to challenge the thorny cases of the Edo period. Is Youjia able to overcome obstacles and ultimately achieve the goal of transforming into "Ayou"