Due to her husband Hiroyuki Hasegawa (played by Hiroshi Hasegawa) having an affair with her colleague, OL, and filing for divorce, full-time housewife Tomoko (played by Yuko Oka) threw her four children into the river and committed suicide. The sudden death of the female protagonist led to the eldest daughter Jie (played by Kana Hiroshi), the eldest son Xiang (played by Nakagawa Daishi), and the second son Hai Dou(
Due to her husband Hiroyuki Hasegawa (played by Hiroshi Hasegawa) having an affair with her colleague, OL, and filing for divorce, full-time housewife Tomoko (played by Yuko Oka) threw her four children into the river and committed suicide. The sudden death of the female protagonist led to the eldest daughter Jie (played by Kana Hiroshi), the eldest son Xiang (played by Nakagawa Daishi), and the second son Hai Dou(