Fang Lu'an (played by Huang Zongze), who pursues excitement and is young and playful, is rescued by the fire brigade captain Zhong Youcheng (played by Wang Xi) in an accident. After this battle, Lu An not only regarded You as a lifesaver, but also admired You Cheng's courage and skills, and decided to apply for the position of firefighter. A successful friend in times of adversity, Zhuo Boyu (Zheng Jia)
Fang Lu'an (played by Huang Zongze), who pursues excitement and is young and playful, is rescued by the fire brigade captain Zhong Youcheng (played by Wang Xi) in an accident. After this battle, Lu An not only regarded You as a lifesaver, but also admired You Cheng's courage and skills, and decided to apply for the position of firefighter. A successful friend in times of adversity, Zhuo Boyu (Zheng Jia)