Guo Feng, Senior Inspector of the Anti Black Group (played by Guo Jin'an), is a righteous and selfless person who originally had a happy and harmonious family. Unexpectedly, due to being busy with work all day and neglecting to take care of the family, his wife Ling and ex boyfriend John, who had returned from the United States, reconciled. At the time of divorce, Guo Feng vowed to obtain custody of his son Qian Zai.
Guo Feng, Senior Inspector of the Anti Black Group (played by Guo Jin'an), is a righteous and selfless person who originally had a happy and harmonious family. Unexpectedly, due to being busy with work all day and neglecting to take care of the family, his wife Ling and ex boyfriend John, who had returned from the United States, reconciled. At the time of divorce, Guo Feng vowed to obtain custody of his son Qian Zai.