"Where the Sword Goes" tells the story of a female assassin named Bai Ye, who carries the responsibility of extermination and revenge, and acts against her teacher's orders to assassinate her enemy. After the failure, Bai Ye was rescued by Huadu and gradually developed feelings. But Huadu is the son of an enemy, and her master Yin Ji also tries to use her to achieve his own goals. Bai Ye faces the decision of where to return the sword
"Where the Sword Goes" tells the story of a female assassin named Bai Ye, who carries the responsibility of extermination and revenge, and acts against her teacher's orders to assassinate her enemy. After the failure, Bai Ye was rescued by Huadu and gradually developed feelings. But Huadu is the son of an enemy, and her master Yin Ji also tries to use her to achieve his own goals. Bai Ye faces the decision of where to return the sword