It has been eight years since the last time we parted ways, and due to something, our good friends of the past, Haruhiko Yoshida (played by Tomoyoshi Ono), Ryotaro Erye (played by Run Matsumoto), Shun Okano (played by Yaki Saga), and Tada Yakawa (played by Shoka Sakurai), reunited again. Although Takuma Endo (played by Kazuya Nishimiya) is temporarily absent
It has been eight years since the last time we parted ways, and due to something, our good friends of the past, Haruhiko Yoshida (played by Tomoyoshi Ono), Ryotaro Erye (played by Run Matsumoto), Shun Okano (played by Yaki Saga), and Tada Yakawa (played by Shoka Sakurai), reunited again. Although Takuma Endo (played by Kazuya Nishimiya) is temporarily absent