At the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, the samurai samurai samurai samurai of the Haasaka Domain, Katsunobu (played by Masatomi Nagase), his mother (played by Chiyoko Shirakawa), his sister Shino (played by Tomiko Tanabata), and his maid Hiei (played by Takako Matsuda), lived a poor but peaceful life. After her mother passed away, her younger sister married Zuomen Shimada, a friend of Munzo Munetada(
At the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, the samurai samurai samurai samurai of the Haasaka Domain, Katsunobu (played by Masatomi Nagase), his mother (played by Chiyoko Shirakawa), his sister Shino (played by Tomiko Tanabata), and his maid Hiei (played by Takako Matsuda), lived a poor but peaceful life. After her mother passed away, her younger sister married Zuomen Shimada, a friend of Munzo Munetada(