Orange Zhifan (played by Yoshida Yoshida), who works as a neurosurgeon at West Tokyo General Hospital, decided to quit his job due to seeing an illusion during the surgery. However, he was persuaded by the director of Tokugawa University Hospital and his mentor, Masayuki Kitafusa (played by Katsui Takahashi), and transferred to the Analysis and Diagnosis Department of Tokugawa University Hospital. Zhifan possesses the ability to save
Orange Zhifan (played by Yoshida Yoshida), who works as a neurosurgeon at West Tokyo General Hospital, decided to quit his job due to seeing an illusion during the surgery. However, he was persuaded by the director of Tokugawa University Hospital and his mentor, Masayuki Kitafusa (played by Katsui Takahashi), and transferred to the Analysis and Diagnosis Department of Tokugawa University Hospital. Zhifan possesses the ability to save