CK Law Firm is a renowned law firm in the city, and one of its partners, Lei Youhui (played by Fang Zhongxin), has a reputation as a "perennial victorious general" in the legal world. However, ten years ago, in the case of the collapse of the Chengfu Shopping Mall, a group of merchants lost the lawsuit. Guo Jiayi, the daughter of Guo Shirong, the richest man in the city (played by Liao Qizhi), is in the studio
CK Law Firm is a renowned law firm in the city, and one of its partners, Lei Youhui (played by Fang Zhongxin), has a reputation as a "perennial victorious general" in the legal world. However, ten years ago, in the case of the collapse of the Chengfu Shopping Mall, a group of merchants lost the lawsuit. Guo Jiayi, the daughter of Guo Shirong, the richest man in the city (played by Liao Qizhi), is in the studio