It tells the story of Shen Yizhen, a single "urban beauty" (played by Liu Yase), who, while happily embarking on a new life of living alone in a rental house, experiences bizarre and thought-provoking events happening around her. The departure of the original tenant without notice, the gloomy silence of the security guard, the earnest pursuit of the superior, the persistent beating of the sleazy courier, and the wandering and stealing inside the building
It tells the story of Shen Yizhen, a single "urban beauty" (played by Liu Yase), who, while happily embarking on a new life of living alone in a rental house, experiences bizarre and thought-provoking events happening around her. The departure of the original tenant without notice, the gloomy silence of the security guard, the earnest pursuit of the superior, the persistent beating of the sleazy courier, and the wandering and stealing inside the building