In the bustling alleys of the city, ordinary high school student Fujishima Minghai (voiced by Matsuoka Zhencheng) witnessed a sudden incident. Later, Cai Xia, his classmate, took him to the "Huawan Lamian Noodles Shop" where she worked. Here, he unexpectedly met the three "suspicious people" on the same day, namely, Bo Qingge expert A Zhe and "military curtilage man"
In the bustling alleys of the city, ordinary high school student Fujishima Minghai (voiced by Matsuoka Zhencheng) witnessed a sudden incident. Later, Cai Xia, his classmate, took him to the "Huawan Lamian Noodles Shop" where she worked. Here, he unexpectedly met the three "suspicious people" on the same day, namely, Bo Qingge expert A Zhe and "military curtilage man"