The TV series "Cat Winter" is directed by Wang Xiaoxi and stars Wang Xiaoxi, Yue Hong, Hao Yang, Guo Wang, Lu Xiaobo, Yu Yang, and others. The plot of Maodong tells the story of the cadres of Fengnian Village in Qing'an County leading the villagers to build a new countryside. In the drama, the new village party branch secretary of Fengnian Village insists on putting people first, changing old customs, establishing a good atmosphere, and
The TV series "Cat Winter" is directed by Wang Xiaoxi and stars Wang Xiaoxi, Yue Hong, Hao Yang, Guo Wang, Lu Xiaobo, Yu Yang, and others. The plot of Maodong tells the story of the cadres of Fengnian Village in Qing'an County leading the villagers to build a new countryside. In the drama, the new village party branch secretary of Fengnian Village insists on putting people first, changing old customs, establishing a good atmosphere, and