The story tells of a young girl who is imprisoned in a villa in the deep mountains and experiences a series of bizarre stories with the culprit. Young girl Li Xinyue and her "hiker" came to the scenic area for tourism, but accidentally fell behind and accidentally entered Xu Zherong's villa. During the process of getting along, Li Xinyue discovered that Xu Zherong had many strange habits, and the most terrifying thing was that he actually had many strange habits at night
The story tells of a young girl who is imprisoned in a villa in the deep mountains and experiences a series of bizarre stories with the culprit. Young girl Li Xinyue and her "hiker" came to the scenic area for tourism, but accidentally fell behind and accidentally entered Xu Zherong's villa. During the process of getting along, Li Xinyue discovered that Xu Zherong had many strange habits, and the most terrifying thing was that he actually had many strange habits at night