The story of "The Elder of Hell" tells the story of Luo Yifan (played by Lin Zhexi), a passionate elder who sees ghosts at 5:20 pm every day. He meets Zhao Nuan (played by Yan Zhenglan), a rookie lawyer who believes in the law to bring fairness and justice, and Wen Weiren (played by Zheng Renshuo), a charming, warm and romantic elite lawyer. After a series of unexpected encounters
The story of "The Elder of Hell" tells the story of Luo Yifan (played by Lin Zhexi), a passionate elder who sees ghosts at 5:20 pm every day. He meets Zhao Nuan (played by Yan Zhenglan), a rookie lawyer who believes in the law to bring fairness and justice, and Wen Weiren (played by Zheng Renshuo), a charming, warm and romantic elite lawyer. After a series of unexpected encounters