In 1998, a five member gang led by Shuo Tai (played by Jin Yunshi) called "Bai Mei" kidnapped the young son of a high-ranking figure. After the failure of the action, they did not split the votes, but instead adopted the boy as an adopted son and consciously cultivated him to become the successor of the assassin. Nearly twenty years have passed in the blink of an eye, and it was named Huayi (Lv Zhenjiu)
In 1998, a five member gang led by Shuo Tai (played by Jin Yunshi) called "Bai Mei" kidnapped the young son of a high-ranking figure. After the failure of the action, they did not split the votes, but instead adopted the boy as an adopted son and consciously cultivated him to become the successor of the assassin. Nearly twenty years have passed in the blink of an eye, and it was named Huayi (Lv Zhenjiu)