The film tells the story of Liu Jin, who monopolized the court during the Zhengde period. For several months, several wealthy households inside and outside the capital were robbed. On every day of theft, one person would carry gold and silver to help the poor. The people respected him as the "thief saint". The emperor was furious when he heard this and ordered Lei Bao to catch him. Lei Ting, the daughter of Lei Leopard, is obsessed with martial arts and wants to explore the world. However, her father opposes her and she becomes angry
The film tells the story of Liu Jin, who monopolized the court during the Zhengde period. For several months, several wealthy households inside and outside the capital were robbed. On every day of theft, one person would carry gold and silver to help the poor. The people respected him as the "thief saint". The emperor was furious when he heard this and ordered Lei Bao to catch him. Lei Ting, the daughter of Lei Leopard, is obsessed with martial arts and wants to explore the world. However, her father opposes her and she becomes angry