In a picturesque small mountain village, single man Mi Jihong (played by Zunlong) falls in love with his sister Alian (played by Tao Hong)'s friend Lu Hua (played by Li Wen). However, Lu Hua, as the daughter of the village chief and a cultural backbone in the village, makes Mi Jihong hesitant to speak up. Lu Hua, who enjoys performing, participated in an audition for a certain drama group but was unfortunately eliminated
In a picturesque small mountain village, single man Mi Jihong (played by Zunlong) falls in love with his sister Alian (played by Tao Hong)'s friend Lu Hua (played by Li Wen). However, Lu Hua, as the daughter of the village chief and a cultural backbone in the village, makes Mi Jihong hesitant to speak up. Lu Hua, who enjoys performing, participated in an audition for a certain drama group but was unfortunately eliminated