"Xiang~The Way to Become a Novelist~" is a manga created by Yoshimoto Koizumi and won the 2017 Manga Award. It tells the story of a 15-year-old high school student named "Nian Shi Xiang" who has a solitary personality and only loves to read pure literature. However, his single mindedness far exceeds that of ordinary people, and he has no understanding of human relationships and worldly wisdom,
"Xiang~The Way to Become a Novelist~" is a manga created by Yoshimoto Koizumi and won the 2017 Manga Award. It tells the story of a 15-year-old high school student named "Nian Shi Xiang" who has a solitary personality and only loves to read pure literature. However, his single mindedness far exceeds that of ordinary people, and he has no understanding of human relationships and worldly wisdom,