"Hua Nu Qing Kuai" is a work created by South Korean actress Xuan Zhihui after her arrival in Hong Kong. In the film, the male lead actor Lian Weijian also had a true love affair with "Hua Nu" Xuan Zhihui. The music for the film is the classic love song "Smile Again Maria" by the then inexperienced singer Jacky Cheung.
"Hua Nu Qing Kuai" is a work created by South Korean actress Xuan Zhihui after her arrival in Hong Kong. In the film, the male lead actor Lian Weijian also had a true love affair with "Hua Nu" Xuan Zhihui. The music for the film is the classic love song "Smile Again Maria" by the then inexperienced singer Jacky Cheung.