In an international metropolis, Deng Xiaoke (played by Yao Di), a beautiful girl who enters society from a university campus, is forced by her mother to go on a blind date. By chance, she meets Zheng Haichao (played by Ren Chong), the manager of a company who introduces people to work. Xiao Ke made the mistake and asked Hai Chao to pretend to be her boyfriend to withstand the pressure from her mother. During this period
In an international metropolis, Deng Xiaoke (played by Yao Di), a beautiful girl who enters society from a university campus, is forced by her mother to go on a blind date. By chance, she meets Zheng Haichao (played by Ren Chong), the manager of a company who introduces people to work. Xiao Ke made the mistake and asked Hai Chao to pretend to be her boyfriend to withstand the pressure from her mother. During this period