Zhu Wanfang (played by Yuan Jieying) and Guo Xiaozhen (played by Li Lirui), who are currently studying in Form 5, were originally an ordinary pair of high school girls. However, when a gang member Scar attempted to approach Zhu Wanfang, he accidentally assaulted a delinquent student at the school gate, resulting in his death. Officer Hai Ge (played by Lin Zhengying) demands that Zhu Wanfang testify, despite the scars
Zhu Wanfang (played by Yuan Jieying) and Guo Xiaozhen (played by Li Lirui), who are currently studying in Form 5, were originally an ordinary pair of high school girls. However, when a gang member Scar attempted to approach Zhu Wanfang, he accidentally assaulted a delinquent student at the school gate, resulting in his death. Officer Hai Ge (played by Lin Zhengying) demands that Zhu Wanfang testify, despite the scars