Daoye Shangmi (played by Yuxiang Nakajima), a returning child, is an untimely and foolish young man. He refuses the recommendation of the prestigious school Shuilan High School and instead enters Kashino Industrial High School, which is facing the fate of being abandoned, as a delinquent boy. He loudly claims to stand at the pinnacle of Kashino High School. As soon as Inaba arrived, she boarded three ships of Ryuji (Sage Yamazaki)
Daoye Shangmi (played by Yuxiang Nakajima), a returning child, is an untimely and foolish young man. He refuses the recommendation of the prestigious school Shuilan High School and instead enters Kashino Industrial High School, which is facing the fate of being abandoned, as a delinquent boy. He loudly claims to stand at the pinnacle of Kashino High School. As soon as Inaba arrived, she boarded three ships of Ryuji (Sage Yamazaki)