"Enmity and Resentment" tells the story of college graduate Gao Xiaomin, who was originally assigned to a certain research institute, but found out during registration that she had been replaced by someone else and was unwilling to return to the remote countryside, so she wandered in the provincial capital. I first applied to work as a manager assistant in a certain entertainment city, but to my surprise, the entertainment city manager is a pervert. How should Gao Xiaomin face this? In the end, Gao Xiaomin still forced
"Enmity and Resentment" tells the story of college graduate Gao Xiaomin, who was originally assigned to a certain research institute, but found out during registration that she had been replaced by someone else and was unwilling to return to the remote countryside, so she wandered in the provincial capital. I first applied to work as a manager assistant in a certain entertainment city, but to my surprise, the entertainment city manager is a pervert. How should Gao Xiaomin face this? In the end, Gao Xiaomin still forced