During the process of handling a malignant case, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, Cheng Bing (played by Zhang Yi), led three teams, resulting in the accidental death of one of the suspects and being sentenced to prison. After being released from prison, he still insisted on tracking the fugitive as an ordinary person. The film is adapted from a real event and was originally published in the book "Please" by author Shen Lan of NetEase Human Studio
During the process of handling a malignant case, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, Cheng Bing (played by Zhang Yi), led three teams, resulting in the accidental death of one of the suspects and being sentenced to prison. After being released from prison, he still insisted on tracking the fugitive as an ordinary person. The film is adapted from a real event and was originally published in the book "Please" by author Shen Lan of NetEase Human Studio