The dark forces of the universe, the Dark Force, attempted to destroy Earth's civilization but faced resistance from the Four Armored Warriors and Four Armored Beasts. The Dark Force made a comeback after reaching an agreement with the Golden Three for thousands of years. In 2019, the two armored beasts, Lei Yanma and Dianyu Eagle, woke up at the agreed time. The two armored beasts, Ma and Eagle, asked Tang Sishi to help find the summoner of the armored warrior
The dark forces of the universe, the Dark Force, attempted to destroy Earth's civilization but faced resistance from the Four Armored Warriors and Four Armored Beasts. The Dark Force made a comeback after reaching an agreement with the Golden Three for thousands of years. In 2019, the two armored beasts, Lei Yanma and Dianyu Eagle, woke up at the agreed time. The two armored beasts, Ma and Eagle, asked Tang Sishi to help find the summoner of the armored warrior