This film is divided into three chapters, showcasing the unique lives of Yang Zheng (played by Li Yapeng) and Wen Hui (played by Xu Jinglei) 12 years later. Chapter 1: Yang Zheng and Wen Hui have been married in Beijing for many years. Although material life has enabled Yang Zheng to fulfill his promise to Wen Hui, his spiritual aspect is gradually fading away. Finally at a gathering
This film is divided into three chapters, showcasing the unique lives of Yang Zheng (played by Li Yapeng) and Wen Hui (played by Xu Jinglei) 12 years later. Chapter 1: Yang Zheng and Wen Hui have been married in Beijing for many years. Although material life has enabled Yang Zheng to fulfill his promise to Wen Hui, his spiritual aspect is gradually fading away. Finally at a gathering