The story takes place in the seaside tourist destination of Yongping City. Through a series of conflicts and entanglements between Qi Fengyao, the general manager of Bihai Travel Agency, Su Jiangli, the general manager of the largest travel agency in Yongping City, Zeng Hui, the general manager of Honghai Trading Company, and Zhang Tingting, the tour guide, it reveals that under the conditions of a socialist market economy, multiple acts of injustice must be self inflicted
The story takes place in the seaside tourist destination of Yongping City. Through a series of conflicts and entanglements between Qi Fengyao, the general manager of Bihai Travel Agency, Su Jiangli, the general manager of the largest travel agency in Yongping City, Zeng Hui, the general manager of Honghai Trading Company, and Zhang Tingting, the tour guide, it reveals that under the conditions of a socialist market economy, multiple acts of injustice must be self inflicted