During the Tokugawa shogunate, due to weariness of endless killings, the freedom loving Iga ninja Kamei (played by Matsuyama Kazuki) chose to flee, and as a result, he was relentlessly pursued by his former comrades. One day, while evading the pursuit of Matsuyama Lord Mizutani's army guard (played by Hiroshi Sato), Kami met Hachikawa
During the Tokugawa shogunate, due to weariness of endless killings, the freedom loving Iga ninja Kamei (played by Matsuyama Kazuki) chose to flee, and as a result, he was relentlessly pursued by his former comrades. One day, while evading the pursuit of Matsuyama Lord Mizutani's army guard (played by Hiroshi Sato), Kami met Hachikawa