In the early 1920s, a young man named Shen Qinan and his family were suddenly hit by an unexpected disaster during a turbulent era. Parents are in trouble, and the four siblings have gone through difficulties and fled to Shanghai, but unfortunately they are separated. Shen Qinan, who experienced layers of tests in despair, grew up with wealthy young lady architectural designer Han Jun as childhood sweethearts. After growing up, Shen Qinan and Fu Hanjun carried
In the early 1920s, a young man named Shen Qinan and his family were suddenly hit by an unexpected disaster during a turbulent era. Parents are in trouble, and the four siblings have gone through difficulties and fled to Shanghai, but unfortunately they are separated. Shen Qinan, who experienced layers of tests in despair, grew up with wealthy young lady architectural designer Han Jun as childhood sweethearts. After growing up, Shen Qinan and Fu Hanjun carried