This series tells the stories of members of the Hong Kong Customs Special Forces in their careers and daily lives. Lu Fuming (played by Wang Mingquan), an independent and courageous customs task force supervisor in her career, has been involved in customs for more than 20 years. Despite being over 50 years old, she still holds onto love and believes in the existence of unwavering love until death. Chairman of the Publishing Group, Tu Lingshan (Li Xiu)
This series tells the stories of members of the Hong Kong Customs Special Forces in their careers and daily lives. Lu Fuming (played by Wang Mingquan), an independent and courageous customs task force supervisor in her career, has been involved in customs for more than 20 years. Despite being over 50 years old, she still holds onto love and believes in the existence of unwavering love until death. Chairman of the Publishing Group, Tu Lingshan (Li Xiu)