Brain scientist Shan Yu (played by Lin Fengsong) unexpectedly learns of the death of his first love Min Ying (played by Li Muchen), who tightly holds a birthday candle before her death; Danyu lit a candle, and with the light of the fire, a miracle happened - the candle could take him back ten years! Dan Yu traveled multiple times to save love, but unexpectedly caused the butterfly effect; a section
Brain scientist Shan Yu (played by Lin Fengsong) unexpectedly learns of the death of his first love Min Ying (played by Li Muchen), who tightly holds a birthday candle before her death; Danyu lit a candle, and with the light of the fire, a miracle happened - the candle could take him back ten years! Dan Yu traveled multiple times to save love, but unexpectedly caused the butterfly effect; a section