"The Profound Little Mad Doctor" is adapted from the popular Himalayan miracle literature novel "The Profound Little Mad Doctor of the War King's Favorite Concubine". The drama is directed by Wen Hongyi, starring Wu Junyu, Chen Xinyu, Gan Wangxing, and Wu Rilige, with Kang Xi playing a special role and Li Jingze, Liang Yongni, Zhu Yiwei, Zheng Xuhang, Long Xinyue, and others. Doctor Chu Jinghong
"The Profound Little Mad Doctor" is adapted from the popular Himalayan miracle literature novel "The Profound Little Mad Doctor of the War King's Favorite Concubine". The drama is directed by Wen Hongyi, starring Wu Junyu, Chen Xinyu, Gan Wangxing, and Wu Rilige, with Kang Xi playing a special role and Li Jingze, Liang Yongni, Zhu Yiwei, Zheng Xuhang, Long Xinyue, and others. Doctor Chu Jinghong