"Desire Game" tells the story of Guo Shi (played by Guo Tao), a legendary figure in the field of intelligent technology in 2020. After experiencing the pain of losing his daughter, he decides to stay away from the hustle and bustle and spend his days with intelligent robots. But an accident occurred, and Guo Shi inexplicably became a "fugitive killer" and gradually fell into the traps set by the other party
"Desire Game" tells the story of Guo Shi (played by Guo Tao), a legendary figure in the field of intelligent technology in 2020. After experiencing the pain of losing his daughter, he decides to stay away from the hustle and bustle and spend his days with intelligent robots. But an accident occurred, and Guo Shi inexplicably became a "fugitive killer" and gradually fell into the traps set by the other party