2000 years ago in China, during the Warring States period, heroes emerged from chaotic times. During this period, several famous assassins in history emerged, including Jing Ke, Zhuan Zhu, Nie Zheng, and Yu Rang. They used their lives to write a heavy chapter in history. According to "Records of the Grand Historian", "Jing Ke was a defender who was good at reading and fencing."
2000 years ago in China, during the Warring States period, heroes emerged from chaotic times. During this period, several famous assassins in history emerged, including Jing Ke, Zhuan Zhu, Nie Zheng, and Yu Rang. They used their lives to write a heavy chapter in history. According to "Records of the Grand Historian", "Jing Ke was a defender who was good at reading and fencing."