The film tells the story of a demon hunter who lost his father at a young age, turning off the lights and relying on his own demon catching and exorcism techniques to make a living. However, he unexpectedly gets involved in the great conspiracy of Western demons, and a catastrophe washes out Devil Town. Turning off the lights, he experienced ups and downs in Devil's Town, and his bond with Devil's Town grew deeper. The decision of turning off the lights with kindness and justice to shoulder the devil
The film tells the story of a demon hunter who lost his father at a young age, turning off the lights and relying on his own demon catching and exorcism techniques to make a living. However, he unexpectedly gets involved in the great conspiracy of Western demons, and a catastrophe washes out Devil Town. Turning off the lights, he experienced ups and downs in Devil's Town, and his bond with Devil's Town grew deeper. The decision of turning off the lights with kindness and justice to shoulder the devil