This drama tells the story of Jiajing and Hairui. In the 39th year of the Jiajing reign, greed for ink was rampant and the people were struggling. Yan Song, a treacherous minister (played by Ni Dahong), is surrounded by party members and wields power over both sides of the court. Hai Rui, a clean official (played by Huang Zhizhong), is not afraid of power and dares to challenge the decadent feudal imperial power. Emperor Zhu Hougui (played by Chen Baoguo) practices Taoism
This drama tells the story of Jiajing and Hairui. In the 39th year of the Jiajing reign, greed for ink was rampant and the people were struggling. Yan Song, a treacherous minister (played by Ni Dahong), is surrounded by party members and wields power over both sides of the court. Hai Rui, a clean official (played by Huang Zhizhong), is not afraid of power and dares to challenge the decadent feudal imperial power. Emperor Zhu Hougui (played by Chen Baoguo) practices Taoism