On the calm and slightly boring days, everyone from Little Busters, including Zao Gongjie (voiced by Kazuoki Green), Zao Ling (voiced by Minan Zhihui), Inoue Genji (voiced by Shina Yannian), Miyazawa Kengo (voiced by Oda Yoshinori), and Naoki Rishu (voiced by Horie Yui), sat together
On the calm and slightly boring days, everyone from Little Busters, including Zao Gongjie (voiced by Kazuoki Green), Zao Ling (voiced by Minan Zhihui), Inoue Genji (voiced by Shina Yannian), Miyazawa Kengo (voiced by Oda Yoshinori), and Naoki Rishu (voiced by Horie Yui), sat together