Li Xiong (played by Kokukan Kanji) and Zhang Jiang (played by Tsutsui Masako) have been married for many years, raising their daughter Ying (played by Shinagawa Momoyin) together. Although their lives are peaceful and without any ups and downs, the couple has long lost emotional communication and only maintained the empty shell of their marriage. Li Xiong's friend, Kutaro (Tadao Asano)
Li Xiong (played by Kokukan Kanji) and Zhang Jiang (played by Tsutsui Masako) have been married for many years, raising their daughter Ying (played by Shinagawa Momoyin) together. Although their lives are peaceful and without any ups and downs, the couple has long lost emotional communication and only maintained the empty shell of their marriage. Li Xiong's friend, Kutaro (Tadao Asano)