In the 1920s and 1930s, the remnants of the Qing Dynasty remained determined to restore their power and established the "Clan Society Deadly Group" to collude with Japanese spies. Patriotic young man Ma Gaitian is a sharpshooter nicknamed "Sirius". At first, he was deceived and used by the "Deadly Alliance", but after seeing the true face of the organization, he resolutely broke with it. Ma Gaitian Borrows
In the 1920s and 1930s, the remnants of the Qing Dynasty remained determined to restore their power and established the "Clan Society Deadly Group" to collude with Japanese spies. Patriotic young man Ma Gaitian is a sharpshooter nicknamed "Sirius". At first, he was deceived and used by the "Deadly Alliance", but after seeing the true face of the organization, he resolutely broke with it. Ma Gaitian Borrows