"The Strongest Nation" is co hosted by Zeng Guocheng and Selina, and invited senior representatives Yang Fan, Tai Zhiyuan, He Yihang, Shen Yulin, Bao Ma, as well as young representatives Dai Ligang, Ma Yi, and other guests to serve as the strongest evaluation and appraisal team, witnessing the best of Taiwan and exploring the strongest nation together. 2014
"The Strongest Nation" is co hosted by Zeng Guocheng and Selina, and invited senior representatives Yang Fan, Tai Zhiyuan, He Yihang, Shen Yulin, Bao Ma, as well as young representatives Dai Ligang, Ma Yi, and other guests to serve as the strongest evaluation and appraisal team, witnessing the best of Taiwan and exploring the strongest nation together. 2014